
Tuesday 16 August 2011

Crow Fully Dressed

Crow's final stitch was done
and then he hung on the design wall
while I pondered how the edges should be finished.
Traditional and not so traditional quilt binding just didn't seem right.
Raw edges was the only way to go.
By the way, the stitched white strip on the right is the back of another piece,
nothing to do with Crow!

The weight and drape of two layers of blanket with a thin
cotton sandwiched in between is very satisfying.
Handy Hubby simply can't understand why Crow's legs are not coloured black!
That's just how it has to be I say!

This piece will always be very meaningful to me.
It is the first time embroidery stitches
randomly cover the whole.

Not the precious precise embroideries of my childhood.
Nor the starched Linens for table tops or tray covers.

But free flowing imperfect stitches
that dance here and there
across an old wool blanket
dyed with pin cherry bark and tea bags.


  1. This is really beautiful. It's so good to be able to follow the project through from start to finish. Inspirational!

  2. He does have a certain charm, doesn't he. Well done!

  3. I hope that crow will fly to TO in the fall!!! I'd love to meet him!

  4. Absolutely luscious. Crows are my favorite winged ones and the stitching is a visual banquet.

  5. Angie & Rachel...Thank you so much, glad you enjoyed following him.

    AM..Afraid not, he's flying off to Cape Breton to spend the fall up there.

    Beth...Have to say I was never drawn to crows until I landed here where I see their antics at closer proximity.

  6. Oh he is beautiful! Isn't wonderful what we grow into?

  7. Great to see crow done, really wonderful!

  8. um..who cares about perfect or not perfect?he is wonderful

  9. An absolutely marvelous piece. I love looking at it.

  10. oh Penny, i'd be crowing about this one too :)
    absolutely a stunner visually, and i bet it feels satisfyingly heavy too

  11. I love that you say that he is exactly the way he is supposed to be.
    So wonderful to see completed piece. At first, I thought it was not to be shown. I enjoyed the anticipation of this piece. Wonderful!
    I personally love the painterly way of your stitches in that they are more free and loose.

  12. Thanks for sharing the photos with us. I will think of this when I look at my crows who live here.

  13. there are no words to describe how much i love this one. it is beyond magnificent. and i love crow looking at crow.

  14. Crows are one of my favourite birds - full of personality and such luscious colours when they're in the sun. I would say you've done your crow proud!

  15. Everything about this is absolutely fantastic! I love it and have enjoyed watching the end parts come along.
    I was looking -zoomed in- at all of those stitches and I thought Hey it's like a stitched Zentangle! Haha

    Anyway, you should be oh so proud!

  16. This crow has taking my heart. The stitching is wonderful and so much fun to gaze upon. Beautiful.

  17. It reminds me of a cave painting, something very ancient and archetypal. The stitch marks are just perfect. Beautiful work, Penny.

  18. Crow is blushing and enjoying the compliments! Thank you all.

    Nancy...I find zentangles fascinating; but hadn't associated this stitching with them. you are making me think about how the two could be related!

    Karen...that's perfect! That's exactly the effect I was looking for!

  19. It's wonderful Penny. Really wonderful. Congratulations.

  20. will he fly over to chat to my Tui.?

    I admired your crow and had to try my own.

  21. Beautiful, I love it :)

  22. What wonderful freedom and expression in your stitching. Very interesting to look at and study.

  23. wonderful free stitches, they give Crow so much character. An inspiring piece for an amateur stitcher like me who is trying to find her way

  24. What a fabulous piece of work! A crow with white stockings? lol Delightful and why not!
    I could live with that crow on my wall too. Its wonderful

  25. Ancient, magical cloth. I love it!

  26. Such a lovely piece!! Just beautiful! Thank you.

  27. Awesome, I can not believe my eyes.


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