
Monday 11 July 2011

A Story Complete

 Finally finished in plenty of time for the deadline.
To be called "Sandbank".

 Any self respecting sandbank would surely have driftwood...

 ...among it's flotsam & jetsam.

 About 21 x 24"
Hand dyed and rusted cotton.
It was the fabric that inspired this piece.
Machine and hand stitched.
Inspired by the blue


  1. What a fabulous piece. I've been watching as you created it and the finished piece is just wonderful - very inspirational!

  2. Thanks, Angie. The development of this piece was so organic and intuitive.....a joy to work on.

  3. I particularly like the bubbly holes with the fabric underneath showing through - and as you say, every sandbank should have some driftwood!

  4. that blue would inspire anyone, looks like you went with the flow.

  5. Love it, love it, love it!! This is a mixed up media piece for sure! The use of the driftwood is positively inspired.

  6. Beautiful. Love what I see as bubbles in the blue... cool!

  7. you're a royal pain in the ass with your inspiring :) this is incredible--i need a thesaurus every time i see your work--and some new words

  8. WoW... this piece is incredible. I love absolutely EvErYtHiNg about it! Lovely colors, fantastic flow, and awesome stitching!

    ;-) Debi

  9. This is WONDERFUL. Its so rich in texture and color.

  10. Amazing! I could look at this for a loooong time!

  11. It's been so lovely to see the progress of this piece in its making. It's stunningly beautiful.

  12. Rachel - glad you can recognize the holes as bubbles!
    Jude - The bluest piece I've ever done. And this summer I hope to indigo dye.
    AM - Always try and be just a bit "mixed up"!
    Julie & Kit - Thank you and thanks for visiting.
    Thanks Debi - hope all is well.
    Deanna - "fab" back to you!
    Penny - minimalist am I though sometimes I do try!
    Nancy - I always like work that I can look at for ages or frequently and find something new.
    Thanks Karen - you're in a world of circles and worlds. I've been in a bubbly space!

  13. Oh...big sigh. It's like bringing home the beach.

  14. Driftwood is the perfect finishing touch. I like your beach - it's not like so many real ones where human beings have destroyed the natural beauty with their littering ways. Great piece!

  15. This is so beautiful - the depths of colour really sing together. it was lovely in the making but to see it now complete - I just adore it!!

  16. have watched this become- and it is so amazing- the colors, stitching, love the bubbles more than i can say. feel like i'm floating, drifting and bobbing just looking at it.


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