
Thursday 7 July 2011

Art in the Gardens

 Nestled in amongst the plantings at the gardens
was this "Fungus Tree" 
by ceramic artist  Alexis Doiron

 Surely this one would have been called a cabbage flower.

 My favourite was "Adam and Eve in the Gardens of Annapolis Royal"
by Dawn McNutt

But really nothing can beat Mother Nature and her burls!

No time for stitching with a house full of visitors.
I snatch time to post but apologies for not responding  to your much appreciated comments.
We are off to cool  down on the Fundy shore today.
Funny....last week I was snuggling in warm sweaters!


  1. ooh, a living basket, how cool! - tho i don't usually use that term.
    The ceramic fungus tree was fun.
    Say hi to all the visitors for me, and i was thinking today that 44 years is surely something to celebrate, congrats!

  2. You've certainly been seeing some wonderful things!

  3. Love this garden art -- its hard to improve upon nature but these have certainly done so. Have fun at the bay.

  4. just love the art. enjoy your company.

  5. Cool stuff! I liked the cabbage flower one a LOT!
    And the burl, so very womanly...

  6. Have fun! What wonderful things you've shared...

  7. These are amazing. Without the words, it would have been difficult to tell which was art and which was nature. Enjoy a bit of time off :-)

  8. The gardens were so inspiring, I now have a seasons pass and have signed up as a volunteer.

  9. Hello Penny, My name is Rita LaBarbera. For a fleeting moment I lived in Nova Scotia and attended one of the shows at the Annapolis Royal Gallery and you were the featured artist. I have never forgotten your presentation and have discovered your blog. I am still entranced by your work and inspired to continue my own work. Thank you.


Thank you for taking the time to comment, your thoughts are most welcome.