
Friday 24 June 2011

Stitching in Circles Just Like this Darned Flu is Circling Me!

Went out outside to photograph my
first stitching in over a week....
but luckily came across another Blue Jay feather.
Way more beautiful and lively than my dismal stitching
which obviously reflects how this darned flu is affecting me!


  1. Sometimes I think that almost feeling better is the most frustrating place to be, but seems like you are heading the right direction, hope you are feeling better.

    Such beautiful feathers...

  2. dismal...NOT... beautiful feather. glad to hear you're coming back to yourself.

  3. Penny, I know how you feel, I think?
    I have been very sick, too. I hope you are better better better!
    I have missed your inspiration.
    You do such lovely work. I love the feathers. Have a nice weekend.

  4. feel better. the feather and stitching seem to compliment each other.

  5. At least there is that glorious blue to lift your spirits

  6. both are excisite my friend. Wish some of our birds were as colourful as yours..still love them thoughx

  7. Wish I could stitch as beautifully as this WITHOUT flu :-) Get better soon

  8. here's hoping the blue days will fly away soon.

  9. I like your fly with the feather!! I hope that you're feeling better and ready to let the muse back in. If not, continue to rest, walk, photograph and generally soak up nature.

  10. Hope you're feeling much better and ready to get back to enjoying life. Summer ailments always seem worse than any other time of the year, perhaps because the outside is calling us and we haven't the strength to reply.

  11. Hope your flu flies away soon.

  12. Thank you for you healing wishes and thoughts. Handy Hubby and I are on the mend!


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