
Thursday 16 June 2011

Snuggling up in June?

We seem to be spiralling back into winter in these parts.
I snuggled in my winter woollies 
and stitched a blue, blue spiral.

It's been so cold, I'm worried about the Humming Birds....
Haven't seen one for a few days.
Usually at this time of year a male sits below the feeder and
chases away anyone but his female friend.
Let's hope he too is snuggled up in a nest keeping warm.


  1. Yep, the weather is crazy everywhere. The other day I was thinking about crocheting. I NEVER crochet in the summer. They tell me the 80s will be back by the weekend. Sure hope so.

    I love that spiral. How did you ever make such a perfect spiral?
    xx, Carol

  2. We don't even have our usual local strawberries yet. So crazy of a spring.

  3. Ohhh, I'm so sorry to hear about your cold snap and hope it soon passes by replaced by warm, gentle summer days.

  4. Cold here, too! I've had a few fires in the wood stove this week.... crazy!

  5. hope it warms up for you and the humming bird very soon


  6. you have cold and we have had 13 days of over 100 degree weather and it's not summer yet. it was 104 yesterday and 26 straight days without rain. used to see lots of hummingbirds here but the past 2 years, not a one.
    your spiral winds around some beautiful cloth.

  7. Torrential rain here interspersed with sunshine; cool, and very windy. But then that's about normal for summer in Britain! The spiral says it perfectly.

  8. I was told in the local hardware/gardening shop to day that it is four years since they had a decent summer quarter in terms of sales.

    One of these years we'll get a real summer again, and none of us will know what to do with ourselves!


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