
Tuesday 7 June 2011

A day of Beachcombing and Steaming

When Egyptian cotton has become even more impossible to stitch through because of rust...
A stitcher has to find other ways of adding texture.
Needle weaving and thread wrapping seemed like a good idea.
When I started I was thinking that starfish would surely bask 
on a sandbar amid the flotsam and jetsam.
But after Yvette mentioned "fairytale" in her comment yesterday...
I began to think there might be fairies on my sandbar.

Bundled wool wrapped around choke cherry bark steamed all day.
Doesn't look very exciting yet, but let's hope
patience prevails and I can leave them untouched for a couple of weeks.


  1. it is so hard not to open them!

  2. Oh, yes, Jude. But you know well that the wait is worth it.

  3. looking forward to seeing that wool.

  4. Beautiful rusty colors.... and this summer I WILL (at some point) try my hand at some rusty dyeing.....
    good patience practice! Ha, my word verification word is "funess"... which I just know is actually "funness"...

  5. that sandbar is really coming alive, it will start squirming and rolling soon.

  6. Lovely work - beautiful stitching as always. Can't wait to see the bundle unwrapped.

  7. This work is magic! I am curious to see what your fairy witchery is concocting in that steam.

  8. Sand fairies - like the Psammead in 'Five Children and It'?!


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