
Tuesday 17 May 2011

Rain can get to be a bit much

A rainy day is a day to look forward to.
It is an excuse to snuggle down with rusty pups at my feet,
a good book in my hands or perhaps some stitching.
But that rainy day should be sandwiched between two sunshiny days.
Not day after day, after day, like this month has been.

Can't get near the vegetable's flooded.
I hate to whine especially when our thoughts are 
with those who live in the flood plains of the
Assiniboine and Mississippi rivers.

 All this water dampens my desire to stitch.
But thank goodness for all the collections
of precious things 
dotted about the house.
Perhaps just looking at them on a dreary day
helps keep the flame of creativity alive.

Perhaps tomorrow the sun will shine.


  1. And here in France we are in a drought situation... send some rain over here... :-)

  2. oh it sounds and looks very tedious, my thoughts are with you as i know only too well how it can be.
    your flying vegie angel looks beautiful, is she in the window or flying out over the veg garden?

  3. We're in for it for the week, "they" say... so, I hope my garden doesn't start to look like yours, yikes! Hope the sunshine comes and that there is a good balance this season. Last year was a major drought here, the year before, endless months of rain. Sure does seem like the climate is a bit erratic these days.

    Happy stitching!

  4. Hello Penny, you've stolen our rain! Hope it brightens up for you , but I hope it rains here in Sunny England soon as well, the garden could really do with it, as could the wildlife!
    Thank you for lots of lovely posts to keep me inspired

  5. J ...Wish I could,
    K...She dances in the window to remind the birds it's not a good idea to fly this way.
    V...There's a low stationed off the coast here and it refuses to move on! Perhaps if we all blow it will move over to France where they need it.
    K...I grew up in ENgland, never got used to carrying a brolly though!

  6. It seems to be feast or famine where rain is concerned - we are quite ready for it to move on too!

  7. i hope so, too. it's not raining THIS minute...

  8. Your precious collection are all dried things - great contrast to the outside wet things.


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