
Wednesday 20 April 2011


This star was to be a star of simple means.

But he insisted that I weave him a coat of many colours.
And it seems he has a star-struck hanger on!

He wears one red shoe and one of purple.

Perhaps he is a star with ears or even horns.


  1. I looooove your stars (and their little stories).

    Jacky xox

  2. Your whimsical stories certainly tickle my fancy!! The stars are STARS in their own right! Are they part of a larger piece, or still just a little experimental?

  3. your star has such a creative personality.

  4. Well, at the moment they are part of a larger piece...but you never know...that piece can always be cut up into smaller ones!

  5. It looks like he's reaching out his arms, embracing everything in his world!

  6. Love these! I've been sorting through a bunch of stuff and recently found a book on needle weaving (published in the 60's) that was given to me years ago. Your stars are inspiring me to look more closely at it...

  7. I had to embiggen all these pictures so I could study the details. I haven't devoted much time to needleweaving, so found yours intriguing. I plan to try some more after the move!!


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