
Friday 1 April 2011

Indigo Star

A star manages to fit itself anywhere it can.
Even along the frayed break of a Boro repair.
His indigo heart is perhaps a sign that he has a soul
or the reflection of the skies around him.
He is not quite an adult star yet
and is is trying to say he's a one of a kind
with an unwoven point...
and some stitches across gaps in his development. 
He fancies himself as a blue, blue star
and so is trying to spread indigo into his points.
Being so young, he doesn't realize there
are bound to be more like him somewhere in the universe.


  1. this is so great. i really love this

  2. I just love how you took the blue out into the one point. Wise words too!

  3. Thanks Jude and Deb. I really like it too and am taking my time waiting for each story to reveal itself.

  4. i don't think there are any other stars like yours! ACE!

  5. penny...this is so touching...that first photo...every thread stands of it's own being/and then together

    the space between the bottom star legs is an inverted heart.

  6. Your textures and fabrics here a really beautiful. Gilly

  7. This is lovely and so are your words. I'm thinking he will not be 'one of the crowd' but will stand on his own amongst all the other wanna be's!

  8. Penny, your writing is so poetic and the little star is wonderful.

    So glad to see it.
    Made my day.

  9. Very special that loosely woven fabric (did you weave that yourself).

    Jacky xox

  10. Beautiful and thoughtful, Penny...a star to last for a long while...

  11. Back home now. After that drive through a snowstorm, your comments are so much appreciated.
    Jacky...that is needle weaving.

  12. I love this star's soft little blue heart - the velvet is wonderful.


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