
Saturday 30 April 2011

Cathedrals of Man and Nature

Ceiling embroidery

Sky stitching

Living in the same space.

Stone cutwork.

Leafy cutwork.

Hand painted sentinels of the cathedral.

Nature misted woodland sentinels.

Cathedral and tree living side by side.

England's St. Alban's Cathedral by the way....
parts of which date back to 1077...
but there was a shrine to St. Alban here in 429.

It is hard to wrap my mind around
the passage of time from then to now.
Hard to imagine all the footsteps
that have worn stone floors to a 'thread'.....
and the lives...
and the stories.

Don't know how old the trees are!
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  1. amazing ceiling. can't imagine how it was constructed. wish i could go back in time.

  2. i had a closer look at that ceiling, exquisite, esp the leaf designs. Is it painted? i could still see the timbers underneath.
    Thanks for showing it, and i can't get my head around that passage of time either.

  3. What wonderful photos...and that ceiling embroidery...oh,wow!

  4. Wow! I love the comparisons between man-made and nature, which definitely made me think how much nature does influence what we do. Great photos!

  5. I just love the carved sentinels all in different postures...

  6. Deanna - and think of the generations of families of masons that it took to build these mighty cathedrals.

    Kaite - Painted.

  7. Katie - It is really painted, just looks like embroider.

  8. wonderful how humans,down through the ages,have found inspiration in the natural world and the patterns that surround us. beautiful images, thank you.

  9. MA And that is why it is so important we understand our surroundings.

    Suzanna - They must be specific saints - unknown to me.

    AM - Man can build amazing things.

    Onesmallstitch - you're welcome and thanks for dropping by.

  10. Uplifting Penny- thank you so much for this beautiful post - cathedrals inside me. Gilly


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