
Thursday 3 March 2011

A flurry of Colour is Sometimes Needed in March

March here is still a cold, blustery, snowy and icy month.
I begin to yearn for the fresh colours of spring.
So here's a bit of colour!
My mocking bird was made by Canadian artist Betty Nelson-Daniel.
We call him Hugo.

He has very high self esteem.
and can hold a pose for ever!

He wears a feathery crown and butterfly wings.....
and is richly dressed in leathers and ribbons.
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  1. OMGosh!
    What a dude.
    Tell us more about him.
    How did you find him.
    How did you get him.
    Now I'll check the creators link!

  2. I have loved her Mockingbirds for years. Lucky you to have one.

  3. Hugo is definitely a very handsome fellow!

  4. Carol: Hope you enjoyed visiting Betty's site. She probably has a list of art and craft galleries that show her work. I expect one could order straight from her.
    Dolores: Me too, I wanted one for many years. It took a silver wedding anniversary!


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