
Friday 11 February 2011

Brett went dog sleding

Brett sent pics of his dog sleding weekend.
He also sent a video of the dogs before they got started...
You should have heard the barking and yapping!
They were bursting with excitement...
Unfortunately I haven't worked out how to upload the video yet...perhaps one day.

If there's one thing Canadians know how to do,
it's to make the best of long, cold winters.

They went up north to Algonquin Park.
looks to me like we have had more snow than them.
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  1. I'd LOVE to do that. I bet it was an experience he'll never forget - a bit like 10 days camel trekking in the Aussie desert! Gilly

  2. Ha - that is me there - just wrong Google account! Gilly

  3. exotic! actually nearly unimaginable..we count winters in days.

  4. MUSH! I wonder who had more fun? Brett or the dogs?

  5. Oh, Manya, what a treat that would be!

    Gilly, trekking across the Aussie heartland sounds way more exotic to me!

  6. i think on the blogger tool bar, near or next to the upload photos icon, is the upload video icon. I did it once on my private journal blog. cheers, k.


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