
Tuesday 1 February 2011

Bits and Pieces

A desert moon,
and pebbles on pebbles.

Two tiny pieces looking for a story.
When I don't know what to do next
I make small pieces like these
then they live in a special box until they call to be included.
Learnt this from Jude.
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  1. Love these colours, shapes and textures plus overall design - really draws me into a river bed. Gilly

  2. oooooh, this piece is delicious! and I especially appreciate your thoughts/lesson from Jude. thx. Sue

  3. i love "components"--have a box of them myself--unfinished bits, offcuts, special treasures and undone biz--you never know where they will actually find their story!it's like building a vocabulary and using your own dictionary :)

  4. rusty desert moons are very special, and hope the special box has a special see through lid, specially yours, kaite

  5. And now after a week of being with friends, I will be back to making "components",

  6. i love the forming story here. the simplicity fosters such depth. i can only imagine the host of stories that this piece will begin whispering!!


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