
Thursday 13 January 2011

A Snow Day

Thick flakes of snow drifting down upon us...

Thick sticky snow that clings to everything...

Birds won't come to the feeder in a snowstorm.....
They need to eat .... they loose a huge percentage of their body weight during cold winter nights.
If you look carefully you can see that not one of my cranberries has been eaten...
But they do love my peanut butter and fat balls....

It might look like not a critter is stirring....
We know for sure the mice at least are busy creating a network of highways under the snow...
We will see the evidence when spring melts the snow.
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  1. Its the same story across the continent!! Looking forward...I see many flowers in our future.
    Stay warm.

  2. Sigh, ours was at it's best in the middle of the night and then the usual rain, rain, rain. I think I've got my squirrel situation taken care of, thanks for the reminder about wiring!

  3. We had a big storm here too. I had to keep putting fresh seed out on top of the snow to keep the cardinals going! I had so many birds yesterday! Yikes!

  4. More snow for us on Saturday. I guess you'll get it a day or so later. Glad to share!

  5. soooo beautiful but i'm not jealous.

  6. brrrrrrrr! I want to hibernate in my basement studio and not see that white stuff. I know, it IS beautiful but that doesn't mean I like it!

  7. Hello ~ I came to your blog during a sleepless night by way of Jude. Your threads and stitching, photos and stories are comforting and inspiring at the same time. Thx. ~ Sue

  8. Carol...I know, I heard on the news that it was snowing literally across the continent...amazing.

    Deb....Don't think it will rain here until April!

    Anne Marie...I'd be delighted if you kept it to yourselves over there!

    Deanna...I wouldn't be jealous either.

    MA...I quite agree. Virgin snow is beautiful but it hangs around way too long!

    Suzanne...Thanks for visiting!


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