....You take the opportunity to work on
other (and thank goodness smaller) commitments.
Small 10" squares for a show
"East Meets West"
organized by
To my surprise I think this one is finished
despite the fact that it is not covered in stitch
from edge to edge.
On the other hand this one is certainly
stitched to the max.
....Then you move on to start new work.
I have saved all the small offcuts from "Stone Pathways".
This break from stitching has allowed me to organize them
into colours and....
....and arrange them onto 2" squares....
....then sew them together
into what could end up as a stone or cobbled pathway?
And with time to breathe this week
you sit and appreciate wonderful linens
given to you by a friend.
Thank you Andrea!
Winter seems to have arrived in Spring this year!
I am freeeeezing
Perhaps next week the snow and the cold will go away.
Eagerly awaiting my thread order
needed to finish "Stone Pathways".