Another hag stone
A stone with a hole through it
A stone from Dorset.
This is how my cloth stone ended up
but it started like this.....
.....To me it looked heavy handed
so picked out all the stitching
and decided on a softer touch
or perhaps a more minimalist touch.
Speckled pebble
Found hanging out in my curio shelves
crammed full of precious things.
Just love it.
It's only an inch wide.
Mapping marks with one strand of DMC.
A gift of thread from Betsy
helped me decide on
how to interpret these smokey markings.
A speckled rock gift from Nancy
but the scrap of silk I chose was way too beautiful to cover over!
A wrapped stone gift from Nadine.
My goodness me I have received a lot of gifts this week!
Nadine lives down on the French shore
and five of us met at her place
where we ate mouthwatering lobster,
planned for our upcoming show
and played with photo manipulation.
Another gift of a stone from Nancy.
Thank you girls for all your gifts.
How lucky am I.