You have to trust me!
That disturbance in the water
is nothing less than the endangered
Right Whale
There are only about 400 left in the world
What a privilege to see one.
We did get closer but I never snapped at the right moment!
Here on the other hand is a young humpback
really playing up to the cameras
and causing his mother all kinds of grief I expect
He gave us a sideways view of his tail
and mother would come close and nudge him
then they dove deeper revealing that lovely arched back...
and a flip of the tail.
Each tail has it's own unique markings
which allows researchers to identify every humpback.
All of a sudden in the distance another calf breached
then his mother showed him how to really do it.
(Not a very good photo but the only one I got)
We went in closer
and watched mother teaching her child
how to raise her fin high and smash it down on the water.
Probably trying to get rid of barnacles.
A special day.